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Pulmonary Function Testing

Pulmonary Function Testing (PFT) are simple tests that help to establish lung health.  These simple tests allow us to determine how much air is in your lungs, how much air you exhale and the diffusion of oxygen to the blood.

Six Minute Walk Testing and Oxygen Qualification

A six minute walk test is a simple test used to determine how your oxygen level responds to exertion.  This test will help us determine if supplemental oxygen may be needed and to determine your exertional capacity.

Flexible Bronchoscopy

We perform elective outpatient bronchoscopy for all indicated conditions.  We have specialized training in endobronchial ultrasound and navigational bronchoscopy.

Sleep Testing

Sleep studies are usually offered through hospitals or free standing private entities.   We do not own a sleep lab, which allows us to objectively determine if you actually need a sleep study.


Thoracentesis is a procedure which drains fluid out of the lung.  This simple procedure is effective for providing immediate relief if too much fluid has formed in the chest. 

Pleural Ultrasound

Pleural ultrasound provides immediate information on fluid accumulation in the chest and diaphragmatic function.

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